“The vibe is really chilled at the Kaufmännische”

Impressions of the visit to the commercial business school in Hagenbacher Ring as part of our cooperation.

Am 12.12.24 fand erstmalig eine neue Art der Kooperation zwischen der Kaufmännischen Schule und der Johannes-Brenz-Gemeinschaftsschule am Schulzentrum West statt.
Nach der herzlichen Begrüßung durch die Rektorin Frau Niederberger, Herrn Hoffmann sowie Auszubildenden fand die Einteilung in Teams durch die beiden Klassen, welche im letzten Jahr der Ausbildung Kaufmann/-frau für Büromanagement sind, statt.

All of our 9th graders were then given the opportunity to gain an insight into the large vocational school center and what it has to offer in a rolling system. The school railing rally provided insights into the “Gewerbliche”, the Sibylla Egen School and the commercial school building, including fun skill exercises on the “hot wire”. There were also comprehensive insights into the commercial professions from the trainees on site, as well as other educational opportunities, and there was also a chat about what it was like to start an apprenticeship from school.

The companies Kärcher and Optima provided a practical experience with a 3D construction kit and a paper airplane challenge respectively, including a business license and the necessary calculations. It was very interesting for the supervisors to see the different implementation ideas the two classes had for the cooperation.

Everyone involved was delighted with the experience they gained, the insights into professional and educational options and the exchange with the local trainees. As part of the farewell ceremony, some prizes were handed out – the Kahoot was the clear favorite.

In discussions with our students, it became clear that it was surprising how big the site actually is, that the atmosphere was very relaxed and appealing, that they had received confirmation that the planned training as an office management assistant was the right one and that the practical part of the morning was “really cool”.

There was unanimous agreement from all sides about this meaningful and profitable event, with the wish for another edition next year.