Behind festive floral decorations, the 128 graduating students from Johannes-Brenz-Gemeinschaftsschule received their certificates on Friday. What was special this time was that both the graduates of the Realschule final examination and the graduates of the Hauptschule final examination celebrated their graduation together. Teachers, parents and friends gathered in the Hagenbach Hall for a varied program followed by refreshments.
After an impressive musical prelude by the school band with twelfth graders Selina Stier, Katrin Pluta and Lara Kopp, Deputy Headmaster Christian Strauch gave the opening speech, in which he encouraged the graduating students to go their own way and pay attention to what they really want.
The following program was led by student representative Raul Altmann, who addressed his classmates in particular in his speech. In addition to songs from the music profile subject, there was also a dance performance by the hip-hop club and a funny film clip about the tenth graders’ graduation trip. The highlight of the ceremony was the presentation of certificates, for which the students performed a song of their choice on stage. The official part of the ceremony ended after a closing speech by the second Vice Principal Nadja Grau and a fitting musical contribution from the profile subject.