Accessible homepage of the JB-GMS

In the 2021/2022 school year, it was determined that the homepage of the Johannes-Brenz Gemeinschaftsschule was not barrier-free. To make this possible, Marcel Johmann (former pupil of JB-GMS) established a cooperation with his new school, the Schwäbisch Hall commercial school. Together with two other classmates, Marc Hauck and Jan Kellermann, he started the school project “New homepage” in computer science. In cooperation with Mr. Binder, our new homepage was created, which went online in the current school year and replaced the old school homepage. The Johannes-Brenz Community School would like to thank the three students and congratulate them on a very successful homepage.

On the photo: Mr. Strauch, Marc Hauck, Marcel Johmann, Jan Kellermann, Mr. Binder