Games and adventures for the new fifth-graders on the introductory day at Johannes-Brenz-Gemeinschaftsschule

Once again this year, on September 13, the team of social workers consisting of Tim Cornelius and Katrin Brucker invited the new fifth grade classes of the Johannes-Brenz-Gemeinschaftsschule to a day full of games and adventures together. In addition to the ability to work in a team, they also needed to show sensitivity, creativity and cleverness. After a warm-up and games to get to know each other, the first big activity in small groups was the task of “tower building”. Armed with just 20 pieces of uncooked spaghetti and a meter of adhesive tape, it was up to the students to build the highest possible tower topped with a marshmallow. This year, a group of students from several classes even managed to beat the old school record of 63cm with an incredible 73cm – an achievement that would make many an architect green with envy. The exciting end to the day was the “egg packing” in class groups. Eggs had to survive the fall from the ladder and stage, wrapped only in paper and string. One thing is certain: even if one or two eggs were broken, the first unbreakable bonds of many new friendships were forged among the fifth graders.